Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thank you!
Friday, April 24, 2009
one day left!
I have been told that rain or shine we will walk! Hopefully it doesn't pour! If you need to just walk the one mile portion I understand!
The walk will be held at :
Lorin Farr Park
1691 Gramercy Avenue
"Walkers will follow a route along the beautiful Ogden River Parkway and turn around at the Big D Sports Park.... The park is located along River Drive."
Time line:
The official program to kick off the walk starts at 9:45 a.m. Although check-in officially begins at 8 a.m., I don't think we will need to be there that early. I will probably try to be there around 8:45 or 9. I'm asking everyone else to be there sometime between 9 and 9:15.There will be a breakfast being served and if it's anything like the one in Cedar last year it will be worth coming for!
Check in usually takes about 15 minutes. This includes registering there, turning in your donations, getting free stuff (like odd cookbooks and drug company bags, ha it's fun), etc... So plan for time to eat
Rain is forecasted tomorrow so bring a sweatshirt or a rain jacket and make sure to wear tennis shoes.
The official color tomorrow is orange and our team's color is green! I've got a few beads and leis for everyone but if you have anything orange or green wear it! I'm making tee-shirts for everyone that has registered!
Call me or email me if you guys have any questions. Thanks so much for being willing to walk and for your donations. We are going to end up raising about $250. That's $250 that they MS society didn't have! Tomorrow is really just about coming together for a meaningful cause and to have fun! I know that both my mother, my family, and I are grateful to your support and help with all of this.
See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
3 day countdown
If you are planning to walk please remember to register. Donations can be made at anytime.
Even if you are just aren't planning on walking or donating we're happy that you stopped by the site! Feel free to leave comments or shoot me an email at Thanks!
Belle Bridal Gowns, LLC for their generous donation!!
Check out their beautiful gowns (I saw quite a few when I went in their store!):
Belle Bridal Gowns LLC
29 W Center St. Logan
We're grateful to Allstate Insurance for their donation!
Allstate Insurance, Randy B. Ivie
535 E 1400, Logan
And GQ salon has been very kind and is sending in a donation! They have the cutest salon. It's both cozy and chic! Check them out!
GQ Salon and Center Street Spa (thanks Mandy!)
71 W. Center St. Logan
Making Donations
Here are the steps to donate:
1. Follow this link:
2. That should take you to our team's home page. On the right side you should see our thermometer (or whatever is :) that gages how much money we've earned, and a link, that says "DONATE TO OUR TEAM". Click on that link
3. You will then be taken through three pages of payment amount, information, and confirmation.
Please email me if you have any questions or more problems accessing that payment center:
Thank you!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Superior Receivable
135 N Main St Ste 106, Logan
for their generous donation!
5 day countdown!
To date, we have raised $155. Just $595 left to go to reach our $750 goal! We have about seven walkers so far. Just a reminder, if you are going to be walking you need to register on the MS website! Here is the link again to register to walk or make a donation:
We appreciate all donations to the MS Society in behalf of our team and our cause. To show our appreciation, any businesses that donate will be listed (including phone number, address, and link to their website) on our website and in any other venue possible.
Although most of the donations are done online, cash or checks are also appreciated! Cash can be given to walkers (as they need sponsors) or checks can be mailed to this address:
The National MS Society Utah State Chapter
6364 S. Highland Drive, Suite 101
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
*Please be sure to include the name, phone number, and Team name for the Walker you are sponsoring.*
Thank you!
Friday, April 17, 2009
MS Walk 2009
This year's walk will be on April 25, in Ogden, UT. Because of our late start our fund-raising goal is $750.
It is approx. a 3 mile walk (it's not a race so we can take our time!). Check-in starts at 8 am, but I don't think that everyone on the team has to be there so early, it may just be the team leader. I will find out and post on the blog what time everyone else has to be there. The actual walk starts at 10 am. In the days that follow I will also post the location of the walk and directions from I-15.
Our team's name is (of course) A Cure For Carmel.
We would love for you to join our team! If you would like to participate or make a donation (no donation is too small:), you can follow this link ; it is fairly easy to maneuver around the site:
-or, email me at
The National MS society has also provided this page to explain what proceeds go towards:
Also, if you do join the team and will be for sure walking, please let me know your t-shirt size!!!!
I will continue to post information and welcome new team members in the next week. If you have ANY questions for me please email me! Also, feel free to become a follower on this blog spot or leave a comment! Thanks so much for your interest and for visiting this page!

The blog is dedicated to and in behalf of mother Carmel. She is a wonderful wife and an amazing mother to my sister and me, a professor of Human and Child Development, and an active member in her community and in our church.
She was diagnosed with MS when I was ten years old. At that age, all that made sense was that “mom was sick.” The concept of a complicated disease like MS was hard to wrap my head around.
In the ten years since then, I have seen and understood more of the complexities of the disease, the physical and mental toll it has on her as an individual, her daily life, and our family. It has motivated me to want to help in finding a cure for MS.
She has been blessed to still have her mobility and be able to function (quite well I might add) in her profession and as mother.
As cheesy and cliche as it sounds (because I know it does), she is my hero. One of the strongest women I know. Rarely have I seen this disease impact her as a mother. With so much kindness and patience, she has been the best example I have ever seen of someone who doesn’t give in or give up to something, to anything. Someone who pushes through, despite obstacles.
I sincerely hope, with all my heart, that in her lifetime a cure will be found for her, and for all the others who suffer from MS.
the new blog!
I am very excited to publish the very first post to the new blog! It’s a small start to what I plan on being a lifelong pursuit of helping, despite my limited resources, to find a cure for the disease Multiple Sclerosis.
I have had many people ask me exactly what Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is, its causes, symptoms, and effects. The causes of MS are not specific and not always able to be identified, and the symptoms and effects vary from each person. To define and explain the disease I have included a link to the National Multiple Sclerosis website (that will for sure be able to explain it better than I can!)